The number of children born through the IVF and surrogacy procedure is constantly increasing. Within 2021 alone, over 500 babies were born in Ukraine, citizens of European countries. The formula of success is correct preparation for the procedure. In order to get pregnant for the first time, it is crucial to follow the doctor's recommendations and adhere to the rules, which will be discussed below.

IVF preparation for women

Surrogacy clinic is a legal entity registered under the laws of Ukraine and acts as a kind of 'intermediary' between the parties at all stages of programme realisation.

The process of preparation for the IVF procedure should begin 2-3 months in advance. At the first stage it implies lifestyle adjustments. Among other things, the woman has to:

  • Bring the weight to physiological norms;
  • Add more vegetables, fruits, greens, proteins to the diet;
  • Limit the amount of salt and drinks containing caffeine;
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke;
  • Avoid overheating and overcooling of the body;
  • Reduce sexual activity;
  • Stop taking any medications, especially homoeopathic;
  • Take folic acid (if recommended by your doctor);
  • Prevent any respiratory viral infections.

Do I have to undergo a medical check-up?

Absolutely, yes. Before the IVF and surrogacy, a woman should undergo a general check-up. It includes: gynaecological examination, biochemical blood test, rhesus-factor blood test, microflora smear, cytological analysis of cervical canal contents. Hormonal tests are understood to be analyses of hormones LH, FSH, oestradiol, prolactin and progesterone. A specialist evaluates the thyroid gland and excludes the presence of infection in the body: chlamydia, gonococcus, mycoplasma. An ultrasound, ECG, coagulogram, biopsy, tomography, etc. may also be performed (by appointment).

Important! Special attention should be paid to psychological preparation. A couple undergoing the IVF should tune in positively and get rid of the fear of failure.

What shall I do during the IVF procedure?

While the ovaries are being stimulated, the woman shall undergo hormonal treatment according to one of the IVF protocols (ultra-short, short, long, super-long). At this stage, the doctor prescribes the following medications: LH, FSH, agonists and antagonists.

A follicle puncture is then performed two weeks later. 35-36 hours before the procedure, the hCG hormone — the final maturation trigger — is injected into the woman's body. The procedure is done on an empty stomach and must be followed by a nutritious meal.

During the fertilisation and gestation period the embryos must follow the doctor's standard instructions. After 5-7 days embryos are transferred into the uterus (during IVF — into the uterus of the future mother, during surrogacy — into the uterus of the woman who has agreed to carry and give birth to the child). The result of the procedure can be seen by a hCG blood test as well as by an ultrasound.

What are the contraindications?

A few words on contraindications to IVF. The procedure is unrecommended for women diagnosed with an inflammatory or infectious process, genital diseases which prohibit natural childbearing, absent uterus and/or ovaries, or life-threatening pathological conditions of the foetus. In this case the alternative services of a surrogate or oocyte donor should be considered.

IVF preparation for men

Men should begin to prepare for the IVF procedure and surrogacy in the same way as for women - 2-3 months in advance. General recommendations during full spermatogenesis cycle include:

  • Moderate abstinence from sexual activity and masturbation - necessary in order to accumulate enough biomaterial for the procedure;
  • Wearing loose-fitting clothing;
  • Minimising contact with chemicals, varnishes, paints, solvents;
  • Eliminating the risk of overheating and circulation problems in the pelvic area - stagnation can lead to sperm clotting.

A man who planning to donate sperm for the IVF should provide the following tests: comprehensive blood test, urinalysis, urethral flora smear, tests for the presence or absence of infections in the body (including - sexually transmitted). In addition, the results of a spermogram are analysed.

Drawing conclusions

Nowadays, IVF and surrogacy are considered to be the most effective infertility treatment methods. More and more couples from Europe are asking for this service in Ukraine and not for nothing. Every year hundreds of the IVF protocols are performed here, which yield beneficial results at the first attempt. Our agency offers assistance in this matter. If you select us, you will not regret, as we offer competitive advantages in the market of services, including: high service, professionalism of doctors, modern medical equipment, individual approach and affordable prices.