Times are changing and there comes a period when a car becomes a necessity and a child becomes a luxury. Unfortunately, not all legally married couples can afford to get pregnant and have a baby. If it is for medical reasons, a list of surrogacy clinics comes to the rescue. How to pick the right agency and not to make a mistake? We will talk about it in our article today.

How does the surrogacy agency work?

Surrogacy clinic is a legal entity registered under the laws of Ukraine and acts as a kind of 'intermediary' between the parties at all stages of programme realisation.

It assumes responsibility for the following functions:

  • Complete legal support of the client, protection of his rights and interests;
  • Documentation within the existing legal and regulatory framework;
  • Assessment of the prospective parents' physical condition (medical screening);
  • Searching for a surrogate mother according to the criteria set by the client;
  • Arranging accommodation and transfer to Ukraine;
  • A list of supplementary services (information services, translation services, nurse, babysitter, psychologist);
  • Assistance in dealing with other unforeseen situations.

The agency's specialisation includes a whole range of ART services. In addition to surrogacy, one can undergo IVF, take advantage of donor assistance (egg and sperm), freeze your biomaterial, and so on. What are the criteria by which a company's activity should be assessed?


Reputation and experience

Reputation on the market, knowledge, experience and skills in the field of ART are the first things prospective parents should look out for. An agency that can be trusted is distinguished by its high service level, convenient location, wide range of services and experienced team. Furthermore, certified equipment, examples of successfully realised programmes and good references from the clients who have already made use of surrogacy services. Make sure that the clinic you choose fully meets your individual needs.

Medical and psychological support

Providing quality medical screening is difficult, but an agency with a good reputation will do it without any problems. Professionals must ensure that participants are physically and emotionally healthy and that they recognise the task ahead of them. Both the future parents and the surrogate mother should be examined. This includes confirming the diagnosis, identifying health problems, analysing the results, and issuing certificates and conclusions. Equally important is the provision of psychological support at all stages of the programme.

The cost of surrogacy

Surrogate services are not something you should skimp on. Ukraine is the most loyal country in this regard - the total cost of the programme, including one-time remuneration after delivery, reaches $50,000. Compared to countries like the US, Mexico, Colombia, Russia and others, this is not much. We therefore recommend you look at the quality of the service. Before concluding an agreement, discuss all cost items and ask the specialist to calculate the overall price of the programme. This will save time and prevent potential risks.

List of legal services

Having your own lawyer on staff is a plus for the agency. The company, which operates in the market honestly and openly, is ready to provide specialist advice, to explain the nuances of the legal framework of Ukraine, and if necessary - to protect your rights and interests. Ideally, if the specialist possesses skills in reproductive law and takes care of legal support of the transaction: surrogacy contract conclusion, obtaining medical documents, registration of the child, fixing of financial expenditures, etc.

If a company works honestly, they will give enough time, answer all your questions openly, clarify the details - then you will make a calm and weighted decision.


Choosing a surrogacy agency is important because you are entrusting it with your future. Our clinic should meet all the criteria mentioned above. We do everything possible to ensure that pregnancy and childbirth of your kid take place in the best possible conditions, involve professionals in the process, use high-tech equipment and, above all, focus on results.

Additional issues

If you have found a surrogacy clinic that meets all your requirements, however, you still have some questions, do not be afraid to ask them at the consultation, for example:

How does the surrogate selection process work?

Where will the medical examination and delivery of the woman take place?

What are the living conditions provided by the clinic for foreigners?

How long will it take to pay for the services?

What is the procedure of registration of the newborn baby?